Do players & volunteer buddies need to register to participate?
YES. TO REGISTER, CLICK HERE (or go to Weston Soccer website)
When are the Sessions?
Seasonal (fall outdoors & spring outdoors)
6 weekly sessions
What Day(s)?
Once a week, Saturdays: TBD
1 hour long, fun games, drills, and small-sided games.
6 sessions: TBD
Morehouse Farm Park in Weston, field #to be confirmed.
What is Cost?
$50 per season.
Who is Eligible to play?
Any child with a physical or learning disability, grades K-8.
Do players have Buddies?
Yes. Volunteer “Buddies” are paired up with each player and stay with them on the field.
Buddies must be in 7th grade or higher.
How do I become a volunteer TopSoccer Buddy?
All volunteer TS Buddies must register on the Weston Soccer website . If you are new to Weston Soccer, you must create a new account.
If you are a current Weston soccer member, log into your account and you will see the TopSoccer Buddy registration offering.
What is the player uniform and equipment?
Players must wear their own cleats or sneakers and shin guards with soccer socks.
Each player must bring an inflated soccer ball and a filled water bottle.
We will provide TOPSoccer T-shirts for each player and buddy.
Do parents need to stay at the field?
Yes, parents are required to stay at the field during the entire session. This is not a drop-off activity.
Are player medical forms needed?
Yes, when you register (to the right) there will be a player assessment and medical release form to complete and submit to the program directors.
Who do I contact with any questions?